How to Join the BPYC

Joining the Biddeford Pool Yacht Club may be easier than you think! Here’s what you need to know:

Membership Application Policy (in a nutshell):

Membership is open to those persons with a residential connection to the surrounding coastal communities. Boat ownership is not a prerequisite for membership.

Applicants must be sponsored by three members, including at least two voting members.

Sponsorships must be in the form of a letter.

Applicants must fill out a Membership Application (download). The sponsor returns it to the Club with all supporting documentation. This sponsor will become the “Lead Sponsor” and all future communications with the applicant will be conducted through this Lead Sponsor. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Moorings in Biddeford Pool Harbor are privately owned and permitted by the City of Biddeford. There is a waiting list at City Hall and this is not handled by BPYC as part of your membership.


Membership Application

Want to Learn More?

Drop us a line and we'll get in touch with you to talk about why becoming a BPYC member is a choice you won't regret.