2020 BPYC Commodore’s Letter

March 27, 2020


Dear BPYC Members,

As April draws near, and I, like many of you, remain sheltered in place, I couldn’t be more excited to put the floats back into the water and begin the season. Working from home and trying to keep two out-of-school children entertained is already beginning to take its toll, and a day on the water feels like it could be the perfect remedy. And, during this time of extreme separation, it’s encouraging to know that our community will emerge from this stronger than ever before. We plan to open the Club on schedule, but the Officers and Board will be closely monitoring the ongoing situation, will of course follow all CDC and governmental guidelines, and will keep you all updated of any news via the website and email communication as our season approaches.

I’d like to take this opportunity to update you on what was a successful 2019 and everything we have to look forward to in 2020.

2020 Flag Officers & Committee Chairs

Alex Millet has been reelected as Vice Commodore, Mike Massey has been reelected as Rear Commodore, Brian McLaughlin has been reelected as Treasurer, and Daisey Carroll has been reelected as Secretary.

  • Olivia Hennedy will lead the Junior Sailing Committee

  • Chelsea Hyde will serve as chair of the Social Committee

  • Mark Tuller will continue to Chair of the Building and Grounds Committee

  • Mike Massey will continue to serve as Chair of the Club Owned Boats Committee

  • Daisey Carroll will continue to serve as Chair of the Membership Committee

  • Adrian Mott and Taylor Barstow will continue to serve as Co-Chairs of the Communications Committee

  • Dave Houle will continue to serve as Chair of the Finance Committee

  • Alex Millet will continue to serve as Chair the Strategic Planning Committee

I’d like to thank everyone for their continued support of, and dedication to, the Club. BPYC is a special place because of its membership, particularly the members who put in the extra effort to volunteer for committees. I encourage all of you to help where you can. Anyone looking to become more active on a committee should reach out directly to the Chairs and express your interest in supporting our community.


BPYC Management & Staff

John Hennedy will return for his sixth season as General Manager in 2020.  John has done an incredible job streamlining and building efficiencies into the Club’s daily activities while ensuring the club is a safe and fun place to be. He will continue to oversee all operations, including the Junior Sailing Program, and we are incredibly lucky to have him at the helm. Mike Massey will return for his seventh season running the launch, rejoined by Dave Houle as our part-time launch drivers. Harrison Barfield and Peter Kittredge are both back for their fourth seasons on staff, and we are very excited and fortunate to have them.


Financial Update and 2020 Budget

2019 was a very good year for the Club. Total revenue for the Club was up and totaled $313,000, which comprises $225,000 in membership dues, ($26,000 of which were first-year premiums that were moved to the Club’s Capital Reserve account), $45,000 in Junior Sailing lessons, $35,000 in additional yacht club services, and $8,000 in rent from the Annex. Total expenses were $254,000, which was within budget and essentially flat as compared to 2018. The Club ended the year with a positive operating cash surplus of approximately $33,000, which was above our target of $30,000. The Trustees approved a 2020 budget of approximately $265,000, with a projected cash surplus of approximately $31,000. The major difference in this year’s budget is a $10,000 increase to our Annual depreciation expense as we begin several projects this year.


Membership Update

Our membership is strong and continues to grow. Below is a table highlighting the total membership for 2019 by classification:

Screenshot 2020-03-26 19.52.33.png

A question that was raised at the Annual Meeting was whether to reassess the Membership Policy to better reflect the elimination of monthly memberships as well as the changes made to the Junior Membership category two years ago. The existing policy, last updated in 2004, limits full membership to 110 full memberships at any time. We reviewed the current policy, taking into consideration the current size of our membership, capacity constraints, financial impact and general safety. We have adopted the following change. Membership is presently limited to 165 memberships at any time, per order of the Board of Trustees. This limit can only be exceeded to allow Contributing and Junior Members to upgrade their membership and to allow Legacies to join the Club.

The membership calculation is done by membership classification and is as follows:

  • Family Membership =

  • Individual Membership = .50

  • Contributing Membership = .25

  • 124 Family memberships (includes Juniors) x 1 = 124

  • 44 Individual memberships (includes Juniors) x .5 = 22

  • 36 Contributing memberships x .25 = 9

Under this methodology, and evaluating last year's membership, our current count stands at 155. The new target more accurately reflects the current environment and gives us room to grow, while also allowing us to maintain our vibrant community and provide an unparalleled experience for members and guests. 

All junior members under the age of 35 as of June 15, 2020 will continue to receive a 50% discount on their annual dues, and children of members in good standing will continue to be eligible to join without an initiation the year they turn 26.  

Member Dues and Fees

I am pleased to announce that the Officers and Trustees have kept the 2020 dues flat for the 8th consecutive year. The Board and Management are proud of the strides we have made to keep dues affordable. We are asking everyone to renew their dues online this year. You will be receiving an email very shortly with instructive reminders on how to use the website to pay your dues. Please fill out all of the relevant information and you can pay your dues online or simply print the invoice and send in a check. It’s really important that we have your current contact information, including email addresses, telephone numbers (including mobiles) and all of your family members included in your profile. If you have any questions or issues with the website, please email [email protected]

The Club will continue to impose a 15% surcharge for dues paid after May 31st.


BPYC Junior Sailing Program

The BPYC Junior Sailing Program is dedicated to promoting and teaching seamanship and sportsmanship in a safe and fun environment. Our goal is to teach the basics of recreational sailing and racing while instilling a life-long love of sailing.

We are also pleased to welcome back Lillian Robinson as the Program Director. Morgan Casey returns as the Head Sailing Instructor this year along with Amy Foster who returns for her second year as a Junior Instructor. It gives me great pride to announce this year’s staff. They all are fantastic products of this wonderful program and we are lucky to have them all back for the summer. Please be sure to reintroduce yourself when you see them.

The Junior Sailing Program strives to ensure the highest level of instruction, but we need your cooperation in registering your sailors before the deadline of May 15th.

This will help us greatly with staffing and class schedules. Registration forms will be available on the BPYC website and you can make payment directly through the site. 

The highlights from the BPYC Junior Sailing Program Calendar are summarized below, and available on the club’s website: www.biddefordpoolyachtclub.org

These changes will be included in the revised BPYC Policy Manual and posted online prior to opening day.

  • Wednesday May 15: JSP registration deadline

  • Monday June 29: JSP first day of classes

  • Saturday July 4: BPL 4th of July parade

  • Friday July 24: End of July session

  • Monday July 27: Start of August session

  • Friday August 21: End of JSP 2020 season

  • Sunday September 6: Chowder Luncheon and Awards ceremony

BPYC Communications

Adrian Mott & Taylor Barstow continue as Co-Chairs of the Communications committee, supported by Andy Lindsay and Lucas Blom. After redesigning the Club’s website two seasons ago, the committee’s focus this year is to expand and enhance the Club’s digital presence. Like last year, please look for lots of updates on the site as well as emails this coming season. The committee also expanded the online membership directory and updated our dues renewal and sailing program registration process. Instructions on updating your online profile are forthcoming.


BPYC Historian Request

As mentioned last year, The Board of Trustees appointed Lillian & Kathy Robinson as Club Historians. The committee has composed a history on each individual trophy at the Club.  The following is a list of people who have trophies named after them.

  • Robert Black                                        

  • Anthony Blake                  

  • John R. Deupree                                 

  • Mary Ann Beaudry                           

  • William Arthur Dupee                   

  • Jeannie U. Dupee                               

  • Fred Wakelin

If anyone has any additional anecdotes or photos from people who remember these important members, please send them to the Committee’s attention. We also would appreciate any photos or stories associated with the Windsong and Tijuba trophies for our annual Labor Day races. Please contact Lillian Robinson [email protected] or (617)-797-2375 with any updates.


2020 Calendar and Social Events

The Club has a 14-week season. Opening Day is Saturday, June 13th and Closing Day is Sunday, September 20th. You can look forward to a great season full of events in between. Social Committee Chair Chelsea Hyde, along with Jes Millet, Ellie Bronson, Olivia Crudgington, Sharon Casey, Becky Marshall, and Andrew Emmons are organizing several great events! These events are wonderful opportunities to bring our membership together and invite any prospective members as guests. The 2020 calendar is posted on the website. Updates will be made online as needed.


Capital Budgeting

2019 was another busy year for the club, with plenty of capital expense activity. Most of the expenses were planned, but some were not. We expect 2020 will be even busier and perhaps even more challenging. We have several projects in progress simultaneously. The Wood Island Harbor dredging project was finally funded this winter. The Club finalized and submitted our permits and received approval to move forward with our add-on project. We stand ready to start our project alongside the Army Corp of Engineers’ larger project and will keep you all updated as to the timing when we know more. Our expectation is that the project will begin this Fall. We also are moving forward with the repair of our deteriorating grounds. We will be raising the clubhouse onto a solid foundation, though the plan has slightly shifted in its total scope. This project is still currently in the design and permitting phase, but we have also received initial estimates from contractors and will likely begin in the Fall of 2021. The Building and Grounds Committee along with the Board has gone to great lengths to find practical solutions to the hardships facing the club. Our plan is to install new pilings to raise the clubhouse’s first floor elevation in the existing location by 4 feet. While the clubhouse is out of the way, we plan on reinforcing the riprap wall in the boat slip and backfilling the perimeter. More details will be available at the Annual Meeting.


2020 Members Workday

Two years ago we needed many hands to put the club back together. While putting in some hard work, we realized it was a great event to kick off the season, so we are planning to do it again. We’ll find the best weather window and will give everyone plenty of warning via the website and emails so you can plan accordingly. 

Forward Looking

There are several key objectives that continue to guide our efforts for the Club. We are proud to say we have made great progress toward meeting these goals. 

Sustainability. Maintaining a vital Membership and addressing demographic and inter-generational issues. We have reinvigorated the Membership, rebalanced the Junior Sailing Program, and rebuilt the enrollment. We have elected younger Trustees to the Board, in order to gain from their perspective and to begin to pass the mantle of responsibility for governance of the Club.

 Physical and Financial Health. Maintaining a strong balance sheet and making long-term investments. We have a strong balance sheet with a substantial cash balance. Our assets have been consistently maintained and upgraded, and the Club continues to generate operating surpluses to contribute to future funding of capital expenditures.

Community. Ensuring the Club is a welcoming, safe, and enjoyable place for members and guests alike. The Club and its Membership remain as committed as ever to treating everyone with dignity and respect, and to maintaining our fine reputation within the yachting community. The Officers and Board take this commitment seriously.

 Affordability. Maintaining a cost structure that is affordable to all Members, throughout our community. We have held dues steady, avoided capital calls, and held voluntary capital campaigns only when critically necessary to the Club’s future.

 Professionalism. Improving governance and developing our staff to provide excellent service to our Members. Our staff is both proficient and professional, and we engage in ongoing staff training to improve and upgrade their skills and preparation.

I want to thank our Officers, Trustees, Committees, and Members for their many contributions to the Club. We are fortunate to have such a strong group of supporters and volunteers.

Kind regards,

R.J. Hoar, Commodore

[email protected]

(617)-834-3583 (cell)